
This portion of the workshop is focused on shrinking the size of data you send over to your client, aka the compression chapter. A lot of the times, you'll have your nginx doing the work for you, but on some occassions you might want to do this on a fly. So let's do some HTTP compression.


You want to be cmprssng & streamn on the fly as the reqsts comein . To tackle this exercise, put together a simple html file you want to be serving up to your client.

Modern browsers accept one (or all) three types of compression algorithms: deflate, gzip, and brotli. You can see which ones are accepted under the requests Accept-Encoding header: accept-encoding

Node has a zlib implementation, which allows you to compress both in deflate and gzip. For brotli, you might want to look this node's implementation

Next try sorting out which of the compression algorithms the browser is accepting.

To checkout the compression sizes you're getting back, pipe in something like word count to your curl:

$ curl -i -H "accept-encoding:gzip" localhost:8080 | wc

To 🍄 level up 🍄 , implent enbrotli compression as well!


You might want to create a read stream to send back the html file. Once you're streaming, we suggest you use pump instead of the usual .pipe to handle your stream gracefully. We suggest to also implement the optional callback to handle and the log the error, which is quite important in production purposes.

Don't forget to set the correct Content-Encoding when you send back the compressed file.

See Also

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