
Merry is a cute & simple API framework for the backend. It does the minimal amount of things you need to build out your APIs -- middleware, routing and logging. Everything else is up to you (you can be anything you want to be).

We found that when working with backend APIs we mostly only need a router and some middleware to handle req and res. Merry comes with just that. Oh! And also logging.

Note: If you've done the http portion of the workshop, that's good. If you haven't, starting here is good too, but we do recommend checking out http afterwards.

exercise 1

sh $ npm i -S merry

  1. start off with and index.js file and require('merry')
  2. merry allows for an env object to be passed in from the start, so start off by adding a PORT value to an env object
  3. initialize your app with the env object from above
  4. start up the app with app.listen(app.env.PORT)
  5. set up a GET route and log out info with
  6. send some data over with ctx.send. This method uses streams and encodes your data into JSON for you.
  7. curl -i localhost:{port} to check over your reponse
  8. now try parsing an incoming request with ctx.parse(). This takes in an incoming JSON stream from req and turns it into an object. You can send this over with curl with -d flag. You might also want to pass over the headers as well:
     $ curl -i -X POST -d '{"body": "butts"}' -H 'Content-type: application/json' localhost:{port}

Merry comes with a way to hook up your own middleware in a standard app.use method. The next thing to do wiwould be to implement one of your own. A pretty common one to have is a CORS implementation. The middleware signature you are going to work with is req, res, ctx.

See Also

Merry uses pino under the hood for logging, if you want to learn more check out pino, or look into our chapter on logging patterns.

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